Showing posts with label Trump Russia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump Russia. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Cohen Going to Prison for 45's Dirty Deeds

Cohen addresses Trump’s tweets: “Recently, the President tweeted a statement calling me weak, and it was correct, but for a much different reason than he was implying. It was because time and time again, I felt it was my duty to cover up his dirty deeds.”

Michael Cohen sentenced to 36 months in prison. 's self-described "fixer" going to the big house.

Monday, July 09, 2018

Rainbow Connection in Putin's Moscow

by Gregg Chadwick

Soccer (Futbol) is fun and all but Putin's Russia isn't. Currently in Russia, the act of displaying the LGBT flag in public can get you arrested. So these 6 activists from Latin America turned to creativity during the World Cup in Russia: wearing uniforms from their countries' football teams, they turned themselves into the flag and walked around Moscow with pride. 🏳️‍🌈