Currently on view at the
Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art is the exhibition "Masterpieces of Persian Painting". In Saturday's
International Herald Tribune, Souren Melikian reviewed the show, prompting Charles T. Downey's
dreams of visiting Tehran one day. Tyler Green has also been caught in the exhibition's spell. Most importantly, even viewed on-line, the works are gorgeous. In lieu of a published catalog, a significant number of the works in the exhibition are accessible via the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art's website:
"Masterpieces of Persian Painting"
"The Flower and the Bird"
Mohammad Yusof
Indian Moraqqa’
First half of 17th century
Golestan Palace
While researching some of the artists in the exhibition I came across an article on
contemporary art in Iran which provides a nice introduction to a culture that is sadly undervalued in the West.
Mohammad Ehsai (Iranian, born 1939)
The Echo of the Word
160 x 310 cm oil on canvas 1990
Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art
It looks like a stunning exhibit. If the political situation were different, and/or I weren't such a wuss, I'd love to go see it - heck, I'd love to go to Iran, period.
The article you link to appeared originally, I believe, at the website of the Metropolitan Museum. Good to see again, though, especially since it talks about Farah Ossouli, whose work I'm very excited by.
That Ehsai piece is magnificent.
wow! really beautiful! i wouldn't worry too much about the political situation though- i just went as an american woman with two young daughters and had no issues at all. really beautiful country. and safe for tourists.
I firmly believe that a free and democratic Iran is in the making right now. It could take months or years but it will happen in my lifetime. I can't wait to visit this new Green Iran.
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