Gregg Chadwick
Beauty and Sadness ( 美しさと哀しみと)
Utsukushisa to Kanashimi to
57"x103" oil and collage on Japanese screen 2010
Each year the city of Santa Monica sponsors an Art Walk at the Santa Monica Airport. Often the sound of takeoffs and landings from the tarmac mask the quieter sounds of chisel on stone and brush on canvas in the old hangars lining the historic airfield. A community of artists works quietly alongside the hum of rotor blades and the roar of jet engines. Hidden from the world at large on most days, on March 20th 2010 the artists that call the airport home will open their studio doors and let the public into their creative process.
I enjoy this day greatly. The crowd of visitors is convivial and eclectic and represents the diversity that I love in Los Angeles.
Last year I missed the event as I was traveling and gathering inspiration in Japan. A number of artworks inspired by this journey to Kyoto and Tokyo will be on display.
My studio is located at the Santa Monica Art Studios Hangar
Studio #15
3026 AirportAvenue
Santa Monica, CA 90405
The event runs from 1pm to 5pm. Please call me on my cell at 415 533 1165 or email me at if you want to view my studio a bit early or a bit late. Hope to see you on the 20th. Children and friends of all ages are welcome.
Santa Monica Airport ArtWalk 2010
Saturday, March 20, 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Santa Monica Airport, Airport Avenue betw. 23rd and Bundy
Free Admission, Free parking

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