Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Happy Birthday Bill Evans

Bill Evans, known for his work with Miles Davis was born on this day in 1929.
Evans received 7 Grammy's and 31 nominations for his work as a jazz pianist and composer.

Steve Silberman writes that "Evans once told a friend that a musician should be able to maintain focus on a single tone in his mind for at least five minutes—and in playing like this, he achieved a nearly mystical immersion in the music: a state of pure, undistracted concentration. Even before writers like Jack Kerouac and Gary Snyder made Buddhism a subject of popular fascination in America, Evans saw parallels between meditative practice and the keen, alert state that jazz improvisation demands, when years of work on perfecting tone and technique suddenly drop away and a direct channel opens up between the musician’s brain and his or her fingers." Bill Evans wrote Waltz for Debby for his niece, and it's a celebration of life.

More on Bill Evans at - Broken Time https://culture.org/broken-time/ via @believermag

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