gregg chadwick
a theater of time
72"x56" oil on linen 2004
in park city, utah for the opening weekend of the julie nester gallery.
nice group show including "a theater of time" and also the work of kirsten stolle and marshall crossman among others.
Julie Nester Gallery opens in Park City
Park Record
Contemporary art finds a home off Main Street
By Casey R. Basden
Tucked behind Windy Ridge restaurant sits Julie Nester Gallery a former warehouse turned contemporary exhibition space that features the work of emerging Bay Area artists, among others.
The walls are crisp white, the track lighting is modern and the concrete floor is stained to perfection. The floor space is bare, but the walls tell the story of artists such as Gary Denmark, Marshall Crossman, Michael Pauker, Kirsten Stolle and Gregg Chadwick.
What was once a "mess" has turned into Park City's newest gallery off Main Street. Julie Nester, art consultant and owner of Julie Nester Gallery, says. "Before I moved I knew I was going to open a gallery here. I was just looking for the right space."
Nester, her husband and two children moved from San Francisco to Park City in April to be close to family. Once Nester found the right locale for her gallery, several weeks were spent tearing out ceilings, adding walls and installing lights.
The result: an inaugural group exhibition and reception, which took place Friday. Julie Nester Gallery is now officially open for business. Art of all shapes and sizes fills the large space with bright colors, muted colors, warm tones and cool tones. Abstract, wildlife and the human form are central to each piece.
Nester says, "I've got some really good feedback on this space and the art. When I was looking for a space I wanted an open, airy feeling. That is why I chose this warehouse space even though it's kind of out of the way I wanted a big, open space and you can't find that on Main Street. So, I'm trading the street visibility for the space."
A graduate of Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, Nester studied graphic design, but soon discovered it was not her true calling. Instead, she preferred acting as an art consultant.
As a consultant, Nester works with homeowners and businesses to determine what type of art will reflect well in any given space. She takes several pieces, decides what is appropriate, and then returns with other pieces that reflect the particular style.
In addition to serving as a private art consultant, Nester was employed at both the Dolby Chadwick Gallery and the Andrea Schwartz Gallery in San Francisco.
Today, Nester works with designers to drum up additional business for the gallery. Rather than waiting for people to come to her, Nester goes to them. Reflecting on her experience, she says, "I just had more passion in selling. I liked graphic design but I never thought I would have a career with it. I have more passion for other people's art."
One such artist is Thor Archer. Nester walks across the room to a piece by the entry. Hanging is a figurative sketch by Archer made with "found objects." A fan, Nester digs through a folder looking for pictures of his work.
Coming up virtually empty handed, Nester says she would like to have some of the artist's sculptures on display in the future along with various solo shows scheduled for next summer.
"Right now, the majority of artists I know are from the Bay Area," says Nester. "I would love to have some Utah artists. I'm always looking to get new artists as long as it fits in with my theme, contemporary art. I do painting, photography, sculpture."
Realizing Julie Nester Gallery is off the beaten path and quite the jaunt from Main Street, the art consultant admits to being a little scared, but excited at the same time. With few contemporary galleries in Park City, Nester is positive about what the future has in store.
Speaking of her goals, Nester is happy to support the emerging and mid-career artists she has come to know throughout her journey as an art consultant. She is also pleased about bringing more contemporary art to Park City a town known for having a conservative taste in art.
While starting a new business venture is always nerve-racking, Nester appears to have a clear perspective about what she wants to accomplish.
She simply says, "It's a little scary, but really exciting. When I was an art consultant, I would pick up art work from the artists and from the galleries, but now I have it all here, which is nice."
Julie Nester Gallery is located at 1755 B Bonanza Blvd. in Park City. For more information about the gallery, call 649-7855.
i recently sent the following description of "une passante" off to an early discoverer of the work-
czeslaw milosz' poetry has been a deep inspiration for me. his ability to search for meaning or metaphysics even after the horrors in Poland during the 20th century has always been a source of strength for me artistically and spiritually.
when i found out about his recent death i wanted to paint an image pulled from life like a sort of painted poem- a moment that if one is not truly aware will go unseen
title: une passante (in french a female passerby)
this poem by milosz feels to me like the painting:
- Czeslaw Milosz
My ears catch less and less of conversations, and my eyes have weakened, though they are still insatiable.
I see their legs in miniskirts, slacks, wavy fabrics.
Peep at each one separately, at their buttocks and thighs, lulled by the imaginings of porn.
Old lecher, it's time for you to the grave, not to the games and amusements of youth.
But I do what I have always done: compose scenes of this earth under orders from the erotic imagination.
It's not that I desire these creatures precisely; I desire everything, and they are like a sign of ecstatic union.
It's not my fault that we are made so, half from disinterested contemplation, half from appetite.
If I should accede one day to Heaven, it must be there as it is here, except that I will be rid of my dull senses and my heavy bones.
Changed into pure seeing, I will absorb, as before, the proportions of human bodies, the color of irises, a Paris street in June at dawn, all of it incomprehensible, incomprehensible the multitude of visible things.